A Day in FYPJ Room (22.06.05)
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

ok, the main focus of this pic iSh not the 2 dudez in the foreground .. it's the background. Those in DMD who haf been followin' Cat's blog will understand. lOlz!!

ahHh ... here's a clearer view .. lOlz!
The followin' pic tt u're goanna see iSh goanna be physically & mentally disturbin'. Plz take the necessary precaution. Make sure there's nothin' filled in uR mouth.

When designerz badly wanna be a Flash Guru, they try all meanz to live up to their name I guess .. lOlz!
to aLv: hEy, dun say tt mAn! you gUyz did a great job too!! All the best for the comp mAn!!
to anonymous: HaHa! nOw tt you mention, I really tink I look like one. Btw, you are?
to yng8603: HaHa! It's juz a wig.
to oinks: Wanted to, but I thot the close up was nicer.
to MeL: HaHa! I dun haf retro clothez.
to s.o.o.t: Got tt bad mEhz?! lOlz!
to Yoz: Nopez, you are wrong, I didn't paint the mop black. The mop was used until it became black.
to Cat: Hee! yEAh, tt why I post it up.
to hengz: lOlz!
ah pUaz posted at 7:09:00 PM