Monday, June 20, 2005

ah! ah! ah! ah! .. Stayin' Alive! Stayin' Alive!
Cool eHz?! lOlz!
to dah: thkz bRo, it's a long and complicated matter. Some mizunderstandin'. I'm alritez. It was juz a moment of piss. lOlz!
to MeL: hEy! thkz for uR support bRo!
to jiayi: HaHa! the later part was lyricz.
to yn8603: hEy! thkz for uR support too!
to hui: HaHa! I see. thkz for uR support!
to suiyan: thkz!
to esme: hEy! thkz for uR vote & uR compliment. You overestimated us. I'm surez you can do it too, once ya noe how to use After Effectz.
ah pUaz posted at 6:22:00 PM