Monday, May 30, 2005
yEAh!! ah pUaz' first part of his FYPJ is almost complete!! Will be hand it in tmr! yEAhness!
hmMm ... ah pUaz wonder wad he'll get for the subsequent part of his FYPJ .. nothin' stupid plz!! Maybe ah pUaz might request/proposed to do something .. but ah pUaz haven't thought of wad iSh tt something tt he wanna request/proposed. Contridictin' eHz? ah pUaz dun mind doin' something scriptin' related .. ah pUaz wanna improve on his scriptin'!! Oh well, we shall see ..
ah pUaz and his dance frenz went to the Singapore Indoor Staduim to catch 'BREAK! The Urban Funk Spectacular' last Fri. mAn, the show was awesome!! Definately worth the $$. But the crowd wasn't tt great, maybe coz it's a dance thing, the stadium was juz half-filled ah pUaz guess. The crowd was mostly dancerz, or ppl who are actively involoved in the dance scene. (Well, tt's why ah pUaz' there, aik aik! lOlz!)

fbOdz in the house!~

Someday, I'll be the one performin' up there ..
(yEAh rite ..)

The DJ spinnin'! mAn, look at the floorin' .. Woo ...

Shiek Haikel doing the openin' show

Well, you can very clearly tell where the big mAn iSh. lOlz!


This beat boxer iSh betta than a player I tell you ..
you wouldn't believe uR earz

This iSh Hip Hop mAn! This is Hip Hop!!

Poppin'! They're god at doing this mAn .. Respect!

Look at tt spin!!

Da Crew


WooHoo! It feelz great to haf a pic with a gUy who's acted in both dance moviez, 'Honey' & 'You Got Served'!

This dude's poppin' & boogaloo iSh F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S
to oinkz: lOlz! yEAp! I'm very honoured.
to dah: thkz bRo!
to joey: yay!!
to kenneth..: oRhz ..
to jiayi: hEy! thkz! It was really great workin' with ya too!!
to Yoz: I agree, I agree.
to catherine: yEAp! thkz alot!!
to chickenwing: yEAh, thkz!
to dah: yEAh, I guess it mi, my surname's Chi pronounciation.
to Hengz: yEAh mAn! A new sem with a great start! It's the Final year le .. but somehow, I dun feel like graudatin' so soon ..
ah pUaz posted at 5:30:00 PM