Monday, May 09, 2005
yEAh! Time for some updatez!
ah pUaz got his replacement card le. He can be contacted at the usual no. again, but pardon him if ge tries to find out who you are coz he lost all his contact noz. yEAp!
ah pUaz got 2'B+'s and 4'B's for his semester result. More or less xpected the resultz. But resultz dun really matter to ah pUaz nOw. Resultz dun really show how good you are. So wad if you've got very good gradez (by memorisin' or cheatin') but at the end of the day, you dun understand wad you've learnt, how to apply wad you've learnt and show wad you've learnt. ah pUaz realise tt there's still so much more tt ah puaz haf to learn.
ah pUaz' dance gRp's goanna guest performance at Hwa Chong Junior College's dance event 'Body Language', held at Hwa Chong Junior College this comin' Friday (13.05.05), 4.30p.m. to 6.00p.m.
ah pUaz' dance gRp's oso goanna guest performance for Shartec Peageant 2005 held at Planet Paradigme this comin' Sunday (15.05.05). Those who are interested, esp gUyz, can go down to have a eye feast. Enterance fee at 22 buckz. The gerz are really hot! Think model standard. Really. Trust mi.
ah pUaz got to catch up wif his best fren over the weekend. And nope, we ain't a couple, though we behave like one. lOlz! She's juz someone who noez ah pUaz best and has seen the best & worse of him, juz like he has seen her's too (now, this soundz rather wrong. lOlz!) Ann, thkz for the treat tt day.

pUaz & BEll

"Come get mi. Here."

"Orhh ..."

Mr Cross-Eye & Ms Long Toungy

Boo! ahHh!~
ah pUaz posted at 1:04:00 AM