Look Ma!~
Friday, May 20, 2005

Look Ma!~
Was in the FYPJ rm this afternoon when someone (John) pointed out tt there was this gUy on today's The Straits Time, LIFE!, Music section which look like ah pUaz' buddy (Darius).
They look almost alike dun they?! C'mon, let's play Photohunt & spot the difference! lOlz!~
dah muz be rollin' his eyez more than 360 degreez by nOw. lOlz! hEy bRo, great to see uRself here eHz?! lOlz! =p
to oink: yEAp! Linked you le.
to hAnRui: hEy yOz! You hopped uR way here too! Nice to see you here!
to dah: yEAh yEAh! Wad do you tink of my new post?! Like it yEAh?! lOlz! =p
ah pUaz posted at 6:45:00 PM