Monday, May 30, 2005
yEAh!! ah pUaz' first part of his FYPJ is almost complete!! Will be hand it in tmr! yEAhness! hmMm ... ah pUaz wonder wad he'll get for the subsequent part of his FYPJ .. nothin' stupid plz!! Maybe ah pUaz might request/proposed to do something .. but ah pUaz haven't thought of wad iSh tt something tt he wanna request/proposed. Contridictin' eHz? ah pUaz dun mind doin' something scriptin' related .. ah pUaz wanna improve on his scriptin'!! Oh well, we shall see .. ----------- ah pUaz and his dance frenz went to the Singapore Indoor Staduim to catch 'BREAK! The Urban Funk Spectacular' last Fri. mAn, the show was awesome!! Definately worth the $$. But the crowd wasn't tt great, maybe coz it's a dance thing, the stadium was juz half-filled ah pUaz guess. The crowd was mostly dancerz, or ppl who are actively involoved in the dance scene. (Well, tt's why ah pUaz' there, aik aik! lOlz!)  fbOdz in the house!~  Someday, I'll be the one performin' up there .. (yEAh rite ..)  The DJ spinnin'! mAn, look at the floorin' .. Woo ...  Shiek Haikel doing the openin' show  Well, you can very clearly tell where the big mAn iSh. lOlz!  Lockin'!  This beat boxer iSh betta than a player I tell you .. you wouldn't believe uR earz  This iSh Hip Hop mAn! This is Hip Hop!!  Poppin'! They're god at doing this mAn .. Respect!  Look at tt spin!!  Da Crew  Respect!~  WooHoo! It feelz great to haf a pic with a gUy who's acted in both dance moviez, 'Honey' & 'You Got Served'!  This dude's poppin' & boogaloo iSh F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S mAn! ----------- to oinkz: lOlz! yEAp! I'm very honoured. to dah: thkz bRo! to joey: yay!! to kenneth..: oRhz .. to jiayi: hEy! thkz! It was really great workin' with ya too!! to Yoz: I agree, I agree. to catherine: yEAp! thkz alot!! to chickenwing: yEAh, thkz! to dah: yEAh, I guess it mi, my surname's Chi pronounciation. to Hengz: yEAh mAn! A new sem with a great start! It's the Final year le .. but somehow, I dun feel like graudatin' so soon .. (",)
ah pUaz posted at 5:30:00 PM |

Feelin' bad ..
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
For those in IM who do not know, the IMPJ2 result iSh out. Check it out at www.nyp.edu.sg/is/rs_form.html. ah pUaz feelz bad. ah pUaz & one of his gRp mate, Cat, got B+ for their IMPJ2. But his other gRp mate, dah, got a B instead. W-H-Y with a big full question mark. dah was the one who did most of the scriptin' for our application and he's definately a great gUy to work with. Without his scriptin' knowledge, our application wouldn't even work so well if ah pUaz were to do it himself. Cat would reckon this too yEAh?! mAn, this feelin' suckz! ah pUaz told dah how he felt & he said tt it was alritez .. mAn, ah pUaz meanz .. arRrgghhh!! ah pUaz dun noe how to xpress it! ah pUaz feelz tt he should be the one gettin' the grade instead .. hate this gradin' thingy. hate it. Gradez dun really reflect uR true standard in this course. To a certain xtend, m-a-y-b-e .. agree? As I'm typin' this, dah iSh nOw doin' the refinement for our project. Somebody smack mi. to dah: bRo .. feel like tellin' you something but have no idea how to put it .. but I noe you can get wad I wanna sae .. (",) ----------- to oinks: yEAp! uR guess is correct. ;-> to joey: eHz? Reply to? to suiyan: I see! wHaHa! okok. to michelle: lOlz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 6:00:00 PM |

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
ok. HaHa! Dun noe wad's wrong wif ah pUaz these few dayz. Have been up with loadz of nonsense these few dayz. Feelin' high & crazy. lOlz! Those in the same FYPJ rm will get wad I mean. Read the following & you'll get wad ah pUaz meanz: *WARNING: The followin' content are rated "EXTREMELY COLD". Not suitable for people with bad sense of humor. Dun say ah pUaz neber warn you! Go on, chill! lOlz!* In the morning .. Kenneth: I used to be DARK when I was in sec. sch. ah pUaz: I used to be CHICKEN. Later in the noon .. Kenneth: eHz, from here to City Hall how long? ah pUaz: Dun noe ... neber measure before .. ok. ah pUaz can see the (-_-!) facez .. These are juz some examplez to mention .. nOw, go defrost uRself first .. more to come the next time .. Stay tuned. ----------- to sandee*: lOlz! You tink I so free to do tt yEAh?! to a-ma: yESh, a-ma. to pinko: HaHa! Did so usin' HTML. DO you haf uR own blog? to bu shi kitu: hEy dude! yEAh! Of coz got miss you lAhz!! yEAh yEAh! ok! to oinks: yEAh! thkz! to s.o.o.t: The article was bout some rock band .. to dah: HaHa! Like how you respond! to Yoz: lOlz! yEAh! All thkz to pUaz, The Great! to chubby: No comment. to xiangz: HaHa! yEAh yEAh! thkz! to wan!: Seemz like u've figured it out le. yEAp! Linked you le. to ice: yEAp! Miss ya too!! to michelle: lOlz! oh yESh "Michelle"! Let's begin a new life togehter! I love you too!! to dah: wAd?! lOlz! to dawnnn: Wad do you tink?! lOlz! to rachie: Twin siaz .. to b ell: It's some rock band guitarist by the name of Jeff. I'm not attached my dear. to Mashie: wOhz! lOlz! You are?! to kennethh: u're referin' to dah I guess. lOlz! tt, I have no comment. lOlz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 5:00:00 PM |

Look Ma!~
Friday, May 20, 2005
 Look Ma!~ ----------- Was in the FYPJ rm this afternoon when someone (John) pointed out tt there was this gUy on today's The Straits Time, LIFE!, Music section which look like ah pUaz' buddy (Darius). They look almost alike dun they?! C'mon, let's play Photohunt & spot the difference! lOlz!~ dah muz be rollin' his eyez more than 360 degreez by nOw. lOlz! hEy bRo, great to see uRself here eHz?! lOlz! =p ----------- to oink: yEAp! Linked you le. to hAnRui: hEy yOz! You hopped uR way here too! Nice to see you here! to dah: yEAh yEAh! Wad do you tink of my new post?! Like it yEAh?! lOlz! =p (",)
ah pUaz posted at 6:45:00 PM |

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
ah pUaz' have been feelin' great these few dayz. Good thing. Some datelinez comin' up soon .. No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work No last min work ok. Hope nuthin' screwz up. lOlz! Burrr .. it's really cold in the FYPJ room mAn .. It's a really good place to literally "CHILL". lOlz! ok. C-O-L-D. ----------- to xiangz: yEAh. I noe. Good place to make awareness yEAh?! lOlz! to chickenwing: yEAp! Linked you! to s.o.o.t: listen to you, I shall .. to oinks: lOlz! coz it's taken by you mAhz .. to yn8603: thkz! to yinah: wOhz! You hopped uR way here too! lOlz! to Yoz: hmMm ... tt meanz I'm red ranger then. to fudgerina: Half bored?! Interestin'. Wad kinda feelin' iSh tt?! to cindy: I guess you meant the person in the pic yEAh?! lOlz! to dah: DAAAAAAAAH! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 5:50:00 PM |

Monday, May 16, 2005
 Weee!~ Credits: Carynn for helpin' ah pUaz take the pic! ----------- yEAp! tt's ah pUaz. this pic is taken juz outside NYP, the back exit. Serious. (",)
ah pUaz posted at 7:08:00 PM |

ok. wOo ... thkz for all the personal commentz/thoughtz gUyz! ah pUaz didn't haf time to check out his blog over the weekend, so he missed out some of the commentz tt some of you tagged. Sorry bout tt! ah pUaz heard frm his frenz tt alot of peepz left their commentz/thoughtz behind. thkz for sharin' uR commentz/thoughtz wif ah pUaz! Well, it's been a happenin' weekend for ah pUaz, but ah pUaz' lazy to blog everything done. Might upload some picz to share soon. yEAh, soon. lOlz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 7:04:00 PM |

Which would you choose?
Friday, May 13, 2005
Would like to post a question and let you gUyz tink bout it. Friendship or Fame? Which would you choose? No 'both'. Onli one to choose. Situation: You know no skillz & you approach uR frenz. Your frenz taught you wadeva they know. Your frenz taught you wadeva they know, because they treat you as a fren too. You got to know more. You got to be betta. You got to haf more exposure. It was uR frenz who help taught & guided you along the way. nOw, You become betta then some of them. And you haf the opportunity to go/join somewhere betta. Somewhere tt allows you to improve uRself alot betta. Somewhere full of opportunities, Somewhere tt u've alwayz dream/wish/thought of going. Wad would you do? If you choose to be with uR frenz, you would haf lost uR opportunity. Wouldn't you? If you choose to go for uR opportunity, you would be leavin' uR frenz. Wouldn't you? In any case, this was where you started off. Form scratch. The situation in real life iSh much more complex than wad you thought it would be. WHICH WOULD YOU CHOOSE? *ah pUaz' alright yEAh! ah pUaz juz thought of this situation and was juz curious to find out wad his frenz would do. yEAp! tt simple. (",)* ----------- to Yoz: lOlz! nOw tt you mention, it really does look like one lEhz .. to oink: HaHa! yEAh, you were there when I took the picz. to annalucious: lOlz! the picz we took were nice wad! & plz, I dun haf a fan club .. to dah: yEAh bRo, you make sense (& I make dollars. ok. burrr.) to oodha: yes my dear, I'm missin' you .. NOW. lOlz! to bodyguard101: lOlz! Who are you? to s.o.o.t: refer to MeL's tag. to MeL: yEAp! u're right! to xue mei!: hEy! thkz! Nice to see you here! Weee!~ (",)
ah pUaz posted at 10:54:00 AM |

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
 home. (",)
ah pUaz posted at 6:22:00 PM |

ahHh ...
ahHh ... thingz juz ain't really right for ah pUaz. Lost & Confused. tt feelin' of not knowin' wad to do or wad will happen next. but ah pUaz dun wanna tink so much bout it. Carefree, he wanna be. ----------- to ice: Here's a reply to you, nOw dun say I didn't. lOlz! to dah: thkz bRo! It's great to haf you aRd! to fudgerina: thkz yo! You be strong too! to yn8603: thkz!! For the encouragement & the vote. lOlz! to oodha: yEAh lover gEr! lOlz! to linching: thkz! Long time no see yo! Miss da gang! to kennethh: hEy! Nice to see u re-blog too! lOlz! to Rachie: hEy! thkz! to MeL: HaHa! thkz! uR post was cute too! to dawnnnn: Hee! Jealous?! lOlz! to dah: HaHa! it's ok. the more the merrier! to john: hEy thkz! Btw, you can tag with the nick "creep". I'll noe who it iSh. lOlz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 1:26:00 AM |

Monday, May 09, 2005
Updatez!! yEAh! Time for some updatez! ah pUaz got his replacement card le. He can be contacted at the usual no. again, but pardon him if ge tries to find out who you are coz he lost all his contact noz. yEAp! ah pUaz got 2'B+'s and 4'B's for his semester result. More or less xpected the resultz. But resultz dun really matter to ah pUaz nOw. Resultz dun really show how good you are. So wad if you've got very good gradez (by memorisin' or cheatin') but at the end of the day, you dun understand wad you've learnt, how to apply wad you've learnt and show wad you've learnt. ah pUaz realise tt there's still so much more tt ah puaz haf to learn. ah pUaz' dance gRp's goanna guest performance at Hwa Chong Junior College's dance event 'Body Language', held at Hwa Chong Junior College this comin' Friday (13.05.05), 4.30p.m. to 6.00p.m. ah pUaz' dance gRp's oso goanna guest performance for Shartec Peageant 2005 held at Planet Paradigme this comin' Sunday (15.05.05). Those who are interested, esp gUyz, can go down to have a eye feast. Enterance fee at 22 buckz. The gerz are really hot! Think model standard. Really. Trust mi. ah pUaz got to catch up wif his best fren over the weekend. And nope, we ain't a couple, though we behave like one. lOlz! She's juz someone who noez ah pUaz best and has seen the best & worse of him, juz like he has seen her's too (now, this soundz rather wrong. lOlz!) Ann, thkz for the treat tt day.  pUaz & BEll  "Come get mi. Here."  "Orhh ..."  Mr Cross-Eye & Ms Long Toungy  Boo! ahHh!~ (",)
ah pUaz posted at 1:04:00 AM |

Friday, May 06, 2005
... Betrayed. tt's how ah pUaz feelz nOw. Received a call at ard 10p.m. Had a conference with his frenz. Then ah pUaz realise some things ... Angry, ah pUaz' not. Why should ah pUaz even bother to waste energy on such a person? Disappointed. Utterly disappointed. Wad iSh friendship to you mAn? Selfish you. We ain't good enuff? We'll proof you wrong! Mark my wordz. ah pUaz thank you, coz you made ah pUaz and his frenz stronger.
ah pUaz posted at 2:39:00 AM |

hmMm ...
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
hmMm ... ah pUaz' Final Year Project started last week, but the strange thing iSh, ah pUaz dun have the Final Year Project "feeling" yetz. lOlz! Maybe coz ah pUaz' still not used to the sudden switch in year. C'mon mAn, let ah pUaz feel it! lOlz! ah pUaz got no idea why he can't reply in his own tagboard frm home. Guess it muz be his internet prob. It's alwayz screwy. ah pUaz'll reply here instead. to sandee* : yEAp! I've linked you! to Yoz: yEAh. no prob! to dawnnn: hEy! thkz mAn! I've been in sch all these while. I've got no holidayz ... miss ya & gang! Let's meet up soon yEAh?! to dah: thkz bRo! to yng8603: yEAh! thkz! to s.o.o.t: yEAh. no prob. I linked you too! to cindy: HaHa! thkz! to liyuan: hEy! yEAh! Of coz I do remember you! yEAh! Hope to see you and gang ard soon! to jon: hEy bRo! thkz mAn! Of coz I do remember you! Miss ya gUyz mAn!
ah pUaz posted at 12:59:00 AM |

Nice. Nice day ah pUaz had yesterday.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Nice. Nice day ah pUaz had yesterday. Met up with his gRp matez to discuss bout their project enchancement yesterday. ah pUaz' really happy tt their project got selected for enhancement. From a concept which their project supervisorz thot would not work, ah pUaz and his team matez really worked together as a team to get their idea/concept across. It's the best gRp work/project tt ah pUaz has done so far. It was a really wonderful work-together xperience. Thankz to his really cool gRp memebrz; Cat for her powerful, jaw-droppin' illustrationz and Dah for his "Nothin'-iSh-impossible" attitude and scripting powerz. Come to think of it, wad has ah pUaz done? lOlz! Alwayz felt tt ah pUaz didn't do much. Really. While the rest of his team matez would sae the same thing too ... wad's wrong wif designerz mAn?! lOlz! No wordz can describe wad ah pUaz and his team has gone through/xperienced. hEy Cat & Dah! We've got our chance for enhancement, so let's try out best to make our application even betta yEAh?! After discussion, they chilled ard and tok bout their livez & their thotz. It's been a long time since ah pUaz really got to do this wif his frenz mAn. ah pUaz wish tt he could do this more often. ah pUaz went home in the evenin'. While at the void deck, he met his parentz who were on their way out for dinner. ah pUaz' Dad asked him to join them for dinner, but ah pUaz didn't agreed initially, coz he wanted to take a bath first. ah pUaz agreed to it after his Dad's pursuadation. And so, they walked out together to have dinner ... While walkin' out, it was then tt ah pUaz realised how L-O-N-G it has been since he last went out with his family to have dinner together. A year? Or maybe even longer? ah pUaz realised how bz he has been with his life tt usually, he eatz the home cooked left overz by the time he reachez home. And on weekendz, he'll juz stay home to rush his assignmentz while waitin' for his parentz to pack dinner for him. Dinner was especially nice yeaterday. If only his bro didn't haf to go to work, the whole family would be havin' dinner together then. tt day will come. It strucked ah pUaz how he has left/missed out his loved onez all these while while he's bz with his own life. It's really time for some great catchin' up to be done mAn! To all my loved onez/close frenz out there (you gUyz noe who you are), I juz wanna say I LOVE YOU. (",)
ah pUaz posted at 2:15:00 PM |
