Pictorial 02
Saturday, January 21, 2006

to yinah: hEy gAl! thkz for the support!!
to benn: HaHa! thkz for uR support too!!
to fen: Li Fen!! thkz!!
to s.o.o.t: HaHa! thkz gAl!!
to bee: hEy! hmMmmm ... lOlz! thkz!!
to Swee Yi: thkz u!!
to anonymous: yEAh, I'm in the gRp with the big 'S' in the front of our jersey. lOlz! thkz for uR support!!
to PAasssseerrbbyy: HaHa! thkz u, whoeva u are!
to anonymous: hEhz. =p
to sharonne: hEy, thkz!!
to mel: thkz u!! thkz for the support too!!
to huiling: HaHa! *I can hear uR "screamz"* lOlz!
to anonymous: hEy, thkz for the support mAn! Not surez if u're the same anonymous person as above/previouz. lOlz!
to cHrissy: hEy, thkz for the compliment! thkz for the support too!!
to cindy: hEy, it was great to see you come support mi at the finalz!! thk u!!
to anonymous: hEhz. thk u. =)
to S: hEy, thkz for the compliment!!
to ChUn yUe: hEy! Nice to see you here! thk u!!
to NRA Minz: thkz u!! NRA was awesome too!!
to orange: HaHa! yEAh. I send you the pic le.
to Minz: HaHa! Orange's in moi list too yEAh. lOlz!
Do you haf a blog?
ah pUaz posted at 1:36:00 AM