Funkamania '06!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
yEAh! Steezerz got into the
semi-finalz for Funkamania '06!!
The Funkamania XII Semi-Finalz iSh going to be held this Fri & the Finalz iSh going to be held the following day (Saturday)!!
hEy peepz!! Do come down for both dayz of the competition to support ah pUaz' crew & him!! ah pUaz' not sayin' tt they'll get into the finalz .. but he's juz 'bookin' you gUyz first .. lOlz! At least come down for the semiz eHz?! Treat it as a gift for ah pUaz' b'dae (simple b'dae wish eHz?!). It meanz alot to ah pUaz. ah pUaz guess this iSh his last major dance comp before he getz enlisted into NS. lOlz!!
Detailz as follows:
Funkamania XII Semi-Finalz
Date: 13th January 2006 (Friday)
Venue: Ngee Ann Civic Plaza (Outside Takashimaya)
Time: 7.00p.m. onwardz (My crew's slot iSh at aRd 8.00p.m.)
Crew Name: Steezerz (16th gRp)
What to do: Shout, scream, cheer, whistle, clap, bang wadeva you can find, etc .. Make loadz of noise!!
Funkamania XII Finalz
Date: 14th January 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Ngee Ann Civic Plaza (Outside Takashimaya)
Time: 7.00p.m. onwardz
Crew Name: Steezerz (If we manage to get into the finalz, tt iSh)
mAn, ah pUaz' in his twentiez already!! weEe!!~
to oinks: hEy, thkz!! thkz for shoutin' my name!!
to huiling: thkz!! Hope you can come support eHz!!
to chEr: hEhz. u are?
to benn: HaHa! Dun noe yetz .. there's still a semiz to go .. come supprt eHz?!
ah pUaz posted at 11:46:00 PM