Saturday, October 22, 2005
ah pUaz & his sec sch. buddy were coversing through SMS:
Buddy: "uR attachment's over already eHz?!"
ah pUaz: "yEAhz. My attachmenet ended le."
Buddy: "Good. Spend some time with
you, uRself & Jin Wen. ya."
"Spend some time with you, uRself & Jin Wen" ..
ah pUaz was so touched when he saw this msg. The msg might sound cliché, but it set ah pUaz' mind into some deep thoughtz .. mAn, this msg meant alot.
thkz for the msg mAn .. you noe who you are. (",)
Happy Birthday Ann!!

The Birthday gAl

Sec, sch buddiez
ah pUaz was really glad to see his sec. sch buddiez again .. catchin' up with one another's life & havin' fun. It's really great to see how each of us haf grown and mature along the way. Sweet!
to Yoz: thkz bRo.
to chubby: HaHa! wAd a thing to sae .. but thkz for lettin' mi noe. lOlz!
to guohui: hEy, yEAh mAn, lookin' forward to seein' you too!
to cindy: thkz gAl, tt's really sweet to noe.
to rynetta(de xin): HaHa! thkz mei!
to NiChoLas!!: yEAh, & I noe it right! thkz bRo!
to cHrissy: hEy gAl! thkz for the encouragement yo! yEAh.
ah pUaz posted at 5:35:00 PM