Sunday, October 16, 2005
The following entry topic iSh goanna be sensative .. but it's not directed at any particular individual. You're warned.
hmMm ...
Haf been seeing changes ard ah pUaz recently ..
Changes tt he's not really comfortable with ..
Or maybe both.
ah pUaz himself can't really tell.
Maybe he's juz too paranoid ..
Maybe he shouldn't care so much ..
or bother, should he say.
Maybe he should juz take a short break frm all these thingz ..
but ..
but he can't.
Thingz will juz pile up if he do so.
One day makez a whole load of difference ..
It's amazing to noe how much you haf missed out juz escaping for a day.
Sometimez, ah pUaz wish tt the world will juz stop so tt he can catch up with thingz ..
but the world doesn't stop juz for you ..
Stucked in this ever-running treadmail, he is ..
Run, he haf to ..
Or he'll juz fall back.
He noez he's tired.
Maybe he'll juz try to take the pace more slowly.
Sometimez, noeing a person too well might not be a good thing too ..
People do thingz so tt they can gain frm it.
Like who doesn't.
Human are all self-centered.
Includin' ah pUaz.
Face it.
Nothin' but the hard truth.
Sometimez, the frenz whom we really wanna befren & get close with, find us a pain in the ass.
And at the sametime, we find some frenz a pain in the ass when they wanna befren us & get close with us.
Interesting eHz?
The followin' are wad ah pUaz' frenz blogged recently:
Friend 1:
"Once there was a guy who was very serious in friendships. Every new friend he made, he would cherish that friendship. however, he was never appreciated by his friends. only when they needed help, then they would find him. He would always hide his dissapointments within him and the rejections his friends gave him. No matter how much his friends treated him, he would cover up his hurts and put on a brave face. He cherishes friendship so much that he would not grumble even when he was hurt. He would go the extra mile just to see his friend happy. to be concern for them to make them smile. However, he was not appreciated. One day, he thought to himself, if he commited sucide, would any of his friends come to his funeral."Friend 2:
"I realise that many a times, when we think we know and believe in that person, that person just have to let you down.
Think i have too many experience with that, and i know there's no point wasting my time anymore, and i will say no more.
Friends have to lead their own life, i can only offer them what i think is best in my views, but it their choice to take it .
Some friends return, some have to leave. I know.. Its like a cycle. That's why i never say forever friends.I never believe in promises, because i am a human too.. i know we never keep our promises.."ah pUaz haf much more to say and xpress ..
but he's feelin' too tired to type everything down ..
ah pUaz guess he'll juz stop here.
ah pUaz's alright. He juz need somewhere to xpress his thoughtz.
ah pUaz posted at 1:41:00 AM