Happy Lunar New Year!!
Monday, January 30, 2006

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hEy peepz!!
Happy Lunar New Year!!
Here's an experimental design
which ah pUaz did for the festive occasion.
Was tryin' to incorporate different stylez into one. lOlz!
Juz playin' aRd to see wAd
ah pUaz can do with illustrator.
yEAp! njOy!!
to joASh: .. (-_-!) thkz aRhz .. do you haf to remind mi tt I'm in moi twentiez?! lOlz! I'll change it.
to Minz: HaHa! yEAp! I noe it's the same person.
to anonymous: HaHa! yEAp. My wrong.
to Ruiping: I'm surez you can see it nOw eHz?! hEhz.
to anonymous: HaHa! thkz! (",)
to anonymous: hEhz! (",)
to niC: aiyOz .. Which Nic are you?!
to secretLOVER: HaHa! eHz?! Which part did I sound wrong? Btw, it's ".. ur english need(S) help ..". hEhz! =p
to joASh: eHz?! Joey lookz distorted? I didn't change the proportion of the pic.
to fen: yEAh! thkz!! u too yo!!
ah pUaz posted at 3:32:00 PM