I wanna share.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
hmMm ... Have you come across timez when you really wanna share something wif uR close onez, but you realise tt it's kinda hard to share with 'em, coz of some "lingo" which they dun understand. It's not their fault tt they dun understand wad it meanz, it's juz tt they neber go through/xperience wad we're doing to understand wad we're tryin' to share. yEAh?! Take for example: The night before, ah pUaz was tokin' to his MaMa. ah pUaz wanted to share with her bout something tt he's doing in his course. He really felt like sharin' with her, but he was stuck. Both ah pUaz' parent dun understand English. ah pUaz' Dad had no form of education & ah pUaz' MaMa onli had her education till Pri 3 (think kampong standard). ah pUaz was stuck coz: How do you say 'scripting' in Chi? How do you say 'Apple Mac' in Chi? How do you say 'interactive' in Chi? Get wad ah pUaz mean? yEAp. There were timez when ah pUaz felt like sharin' somethingz with his frenz too, but he juz dunno how to put it across/xpress it. ok. ah pUaz dun noe how to end off this post. ok, he'll juz stop here. ----------- to Yoz: lOlz! to dah: lOlz! nAhz .. dun mention it. My fren sayz u're cute. lOlz! to creep: (",) (",)
ah pUaz posted at 6:22:00 PM |

A Day in FYPJ Room (22.06.05)
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
 ok, the main focus of this pic iSh not the 2 dudez in the foreground .. it's the background. Those in DMD who haf been followin' Cat's blog will understand. lOlz!!  ahHh ... here's a clearer view .. lOlz! Caution: The followin' pic tt u're goanna see iSh goanna be physically & mentally disturbin'. Plz take the necessary precaution. Make sure there's nothin' filled in uR mouth.  When designerz badly wanna be a Flash Guru, they try all meanz to live up to their name I guess .. lOlz! ----------- to aLv: hEy, dun say tt mAn! you gUyz did a great job too!! All the best for the comp mAn!! to anonymous: HaHa! nOw tt you mention, I really tink I look like one. Btw, you are? to yng8603: HaHa! It's juz a wig. to oinks: Wanted to, but I thot the close up was nicer. to MeL: HaHa! I dun haf retro clothez. to s.o.o.t: Got tt bad mEhz?! lOlz! to Yoz: Nopez, you are wrong, I didn't paint the mop black. The mop was used until it became black. to Cat: Hee! yEAh, tt why I post it up. to hengz: lOlz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 7:09:00 PM |

Monday, June 20, 2005
 ah! ah! ah! ah! .. Stayin' Alive! Stayin' Alive! Cool eHz?! lOlz! ----------- to dah: thkz bRo, it's a long and complicated matter. Some mizunderstandin'. I'm alritez. It was juz a moment of piss. lOlz! to MeL: hEy! thkz for uR support bRo! to jiayi: HaHa! the later part was lyricz. to yn8603: hEy! thkz for uR support too! to hui: HaHa! I see. thkz for uR support! to suiyan: thkz! to esme: hEy! thkz for uR vote & uR compliment. You overestimated us. I'm surez you can do it too, once ya noe how to use After Effectz. (",)
ah pUaz posted at 6:22:00 PM |

Was it? Or was it not?
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Was it something tt I didn't say? Or said? Was it something tt I didn't do? Or did? I'm clueless. Go figure. Xcess ain't good, Shortage ain't enuff. Wad do I do then? I dun wanna tink bout it or even let it bother mi, but the thoughtz juz keep comin' back to mi. I'll juz do wad I have/suppose to do. "... I don't wanna know if you're playin' me, keep it on the low coz my heart can't take it anymore and if u're creepin, plz don't let it show Oh baby, I don't wanna know ..." ----------- to dawnnn: thkz for the compliment!! wOhz! You pay mi to do something?! Muz be damn big/difficult to do. lOlz! Wad do you wan mi to do? I see if I can help, and you dun haf to pay mi lAhz .. to s.0.0.t: thkz for uR support!! to oinks: thkz for uR support!! to hui: yOz!! You are?! Kee Hui? Jia Hui? Guo Hui? See wad I mean?! lOlz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 5:52:00 PM |

Monday, June 13, 2005
hEy hEy peepz!! It's the start of a new week again!! Good Morning!!~ yEAh! ah pUaz & his partner's image spot (motion graphic) work iSh nOw online with the rest of 17 other participantz in the Starhub website for an online vote. It's a competition for Starhub's Channel 56, E-City, channel trailer. If you have a lil' time to spare, plz go check out the workz there. ah pUaz & his partner (Jia Yi) iSh in team J2 (ah pUaz dun haf to xplain why the teamname yEAh?! lOlz!). Vote for the work tt you like best yEAh?! If you like ah pUaz and his partner's work then vote, if not, don't. yEAp! You can vote as many timez as you wan for the work tt you like best. May the best work win! Here's the link: http://www.starhub.com/cabletv/promotionsandevents/eCity/Be sure to check it out! To those who haf followed ah pUaz' blog closely, ah pUaz has removed some of his previouz few postz coz his fren has requested for tt, as his fren didn't wan him to get into trouble. ah pUaz understand & respect his fren'z request. ----------- to dah: hEy! How do you noe?! yEAh, Cat told mi tt it was her. hmMm .. seemz like I'm not sensative enuff .. to oinks: *raises both handz* I did nothin'. I was juz myself. to sandee*: Hope my current entry has answered uR question. to ann0ymous: lOlz! yEAh! u're being missed too!! to fudgerina: hEy! thkz! Correction: I look cute even when I dun smile. wHaHa! =p to sabbyo: hEy! No prob! It's ok. thkz! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 11:03:00 AM |

Nothin' much.
Monday, June 06, 2005
hmMm ... Well, ah pUaz' here to juz do some random typin'. Typin' anything tt comez to his mind like wad he's doing nOw. This iSh juz another post whereby he has alot to say but his mind iSh juz filled with air (or maybe helim) but juz lazy to fart them out. lOlz! ah pUaz guess tt u're juz as bored readin' this nOw. lOlz! Well, it's a brand new week ahead mAn! Lookin' forward to lotz of thingz. Good week ahead everybody!! (",) ----------- to Yoz: It's amazingly frightenin' I guess. lOlz! to dah: Wad can I sae?! to Cindy: HaHa! You got infected by the Star Warz craze too. to Cat: yEAp! I agree with you! See wad I mean dah?! to ruiping: OrRr .. to suiyan: OrRr .. (",)
ah pUaz posted at 8:48:00 AM |

Thursday, June 02, 2005
CHANGE. ah pUaz juz went into a moment of thot: Thinkin' back bout himself & his frenz and how much he/they have changed .. mAn, it's really scary. It's really scary bout how much one can change over the yearz .. Frenz who once had very fine character & academic resultz, dun seem to do as well nOw .. Frenz who ah pUaz once knew tt they hated smokin' to the core, takez up the puffz nOw .. Frenz whom ah puaz once looked up & admired for who they are, ain't who they used to be nOw .. mAn, it's a really painful sight to see all these happen to ah pUaz' frenz over the yearz. Maybe ah pUaz might not understand wad they've xperienced or gone through tt lead them to the change. They might haf their reasonz ah pUaz guess. It's really painful when you see uR loved onez doin' the negativez but dun know how to help them. It's really hard to voice it out to 'em, coz it'll be like hittin' it on 'em right in the face. hmMm ... On the brighter note, it's really amazin' to see some of ah pUaz' frenz doin' betta in their livez .. Fren who didn't do well in their studies are nOw doing very well with the path tt they've chosen .. Frenz who onced used to induluge in gangstery actz, now get themselvez more proactive with school eventz .. Frenz whom ah pUaz neber really have a good impress of, nOw gain ah pUaz' admiration. ah pUaz has definately changed over the yearz too. Some positive & some negative. ah pUaz wonderz how much change his frenz have seen in him. Change. It's a very powerful word. ----------- to me: yOz! you are?! to cindy: You should haf went mAn! You missed the fun!! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 8:12:00 AM |
