Sudden Urge ..
Friday, July 28, 2006
hEy hEy!!
It's been some time since ah pUaz blog yo.
Well, ah pUaz' got this sudden urge to do somethings ..
but he knows that he'll have to finish the works he have on hand before he can satisfy his urge (to do his personal stuffs). HaHa! Sounds wrong yo.
ok. ah pUaz will take that as a motivation to work towards to.
C'mon, c'mon, concentrate ..
ok. Back to work.
P.S. Hope everyone's doing great yo.
ah pUaz posted at 12:01:00 PM |

What is the Purpose of Life?
Monday, July 24, 2006
"One of the greatest shortcoming of modern society is the lack of a sense of purpose. What do human beings live for - or rather, what do we live for? For example, in our daily lives, if we know our destination, we can go and ask for directions at the nearest police box. But if we don't know the name of our direction and ask the police officer, "Where should I go?" we'll be laughed at. Therefore, in the journey of life, it is strange and incomprehensible that people are living without purpose. It is here indeed that we find the root cause of the confusion and malaise confounding society." -- Josei Toda, Soka Gakkai 2nd president
How true.
How many of us actually have a direction in life?
One with a deep sense of purpose.
One which we clearly know where we want to go or what we want to do.
Think about it.
What you're studying now, is it what you want to do in the future?
If not, then why are you still studying/taking up the course?
Because you don't know what you want to do?
Because you don't know where to go?
Because you want to enjoy life?
If you're doing so,
Aren't you wasting time?
Aren't you wasting money, espically your parents'?
Think about it.
ah pUaz posted at 12:38:00 AM |

Who broke my web?!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Someone broke ah pUaz' web (as in internet connection). HaHa!
Which xplain' for his M.I.A-ing frm the web/net.
Apologiez for all the late repliez to emailz and other stuffz.
ah pUaz can't be online as and when he wanz.
Life's kinda difficult w/o the web connection.
It really does. ah.
Some updatez:
ah pUaz'll be dancin' at the followin' eventz. Do support if possible yo!
Event: Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Pre-show performance
Group Name: Representing O' School
Date: 15th July 2006
Time: 3.30p.m. onwardz
Venue: Ngee Ann Civic Plaze, outside Takashimaya
Event: Samsung Dance Competiton audition
Crew Name: Steezerz (Ping, Joey, Zac, Jon, Zan, Ian & pUaz)
Date: 16th July 2006
Time: 2.00p.m. to 5.00p.m.
Venue: Jitterbugs Dance Studio
Here's helpin' ah pUaz' fren to promoto:
There'll be a dance competiton finalz happenin' this weekend too.
Event: RE:MIX Dance Competiton Finalz
Date: 15th July 2006
Time: 6.00p.m. onwardz
Venue: Youth Park
Plz do support "Trouble Stylez" if you happen to be there yo!!
yEAh. Till the next time ah pUaz has an internet connection. HaHa!
ah pUaz posted at 2:54:00 PM |

Ah, where's my sanity?
Monday, July 03, 2006
Ideologies differences
Thoughts of contradistinct values
Suppressed feelings of one
Disturbed capacity
Fault unconditionally
Perhaps intuition makes a bum out of some
Ruminate, ruminate, ruminate
Ah, where's my sanity?
ah pUaz posted at 12:20:00 AM |