hEy hEy! ah pUaz' back to blog yo! lOlz!
Well, it's been 2 weekz since Fusion 2006 was over & ah pUaz has been procastinating bout bloggin' bout it. ah pUaz shall do it nOw since he's in the mood to do so nOw .. lOlz!
yEAh. Fusion ended on a good note. But somehow, the feelin' of a "endin" isn't there yo? The mood .. you noe wAd ah pUaz mean? tt emotional feelin' you haf when you haf uR graduation in pri sch or sec. sch?! yEAh? It juz felt so diff. for ah pUaz this time round. It wasn't wAd ah pUaz xpected. ah pUaz was discussin' this with a few frenz & they agreed tt it was really diff. A female fren actually felt rather emotional, but seeing tt everyone was happy, she held back her emotionz. Come to tink of it .. on the last day of Fusion, when everything came to an end, everyone juz packed & go .. no last wordz, no sense of unwillingness (iSh tt the correct word? lOlz!)
ah pUaz actually had some personal thingz to say to each individual .. but he juz couldn't find the right opportunity to do so .. the mood, under those circumstancez, juz wasn't appropriate. Even at the club. The onli person tt he managed to say his "personal last wordz" to was Wan. The rest, maybe coz it was meant to be tt ah pUaz dun get to tell you gUyz his "personal last wordz". lOlz! It'll be rather dumb for ah pUaz to do so here .. coz it'll be a long list & it's not goanne be personal anymore ..
Maybe coz we noe tt we're still goanna see each other in this design industry or we noe xactly where one will go into tt we dun really haf any last wordz or sad goodbyez to say .. unlike in pri/sec. sch, where we dun really noe where one will go, coz the optionz of takin' something diff./going a diff. route iSh juz too great. yEAh.
3 yrz in DMD has been a really great & awesome xperience.
Here's a list of great memoriez tt ah pUaz'll keep in his heart:
- gRp 08: The great timez we haf at Sentosa, playin Volleyback for like, foreva. Bay08!
- SDN Orientation 2004: The camp, the bondz, the screwed up timez & the crazy time & most imptly, when Ian dresses up as PaulLan Abdul for us!! *Respect!* lOlz!
- Project & Assignmentz: The sleepless nitez juz to make miricalz happen.
- The timez when we were so screwed & fed up with datelinez & burst out sayin', "I dun wanna do already!!" But we still end up doing & drownin' ourselvez in our own agony again .. tt's coz we somehow still love wAd we're doing (tt's why they say designerz are physcoz) lOlz!
ah pUaz dun noe wAd kinda impress he givez his frenz. Well, maybe ah pUaz' not the typical design student, coz he has another passion/interest in dance. He doesn't play DOTA or play the guitar, & the timez when he haf to go off to spend time on his other passion, tt's why he doesn't really haf much time to hang out with his fellow frenz or get to noe them even betta. There are definately timez when ah pUaz dun do well in both design & dance & tinkz to himself if whether he would do betta in one of his passion/interest if he were to gib up on the other. But it's really hard to gib up on either one. Sacrifices have to be made & balance's the word then.
ok, ah pUaz' digressin' already .. lOlz!
So wAd's ah pUaz' route goanna be? Well, ah pUaz has been tinkin' bout it & there are reasonz why ah pUaz was selected to do the Starhub motion graphic for his FYPJ & sent to Mediacorp Studioz for his attachment. yEAh. ah pUaz' goanna go into motion. See the future in it. After Effectz, here ah pUaz comez yo! lOlz!
Dedicated to all DMD03 frenz who readz ah pUaz' blog:
"My fren, thkz for accompanyin' mi through this journey of life all these while. As we both embak on another phrase of journey in life, I wish you a smooth journey. Keep the engine going & neber shall you gib up, for the journey ahead iSh still long and tough. Control your way & go where you've alwayz wanted to go ..."

Btw, for those who wanz the picz taken at Fusion with my cam, you can download it here (not active anymore). It's a zipped file size of bout 34.3+MB. yEAh.
After such a long post, ah pUaz onli metioned bout his DMD life .. lOlz! ah pUaz'll write bout his Poly life & fbOdz someday .. someday ..
ah pUaz posted at 7:31:00 PM |