It's been a long time since ah pUaz posted yo?!
Well, haven't really been in the mood to blog.
ah pUaz was out to catch a mid-night movie with a few of his frenz on Thur night.
Catched V-for-Vendetta, if u wanna noe.
The movie was great, but ah pUaz' not going to tok bout the movie.
ah pUaz' goanna tok bout the commericals before the movie started..
And so .. it goes like this ..
pUaz & frenz were early. They got into the cinema while the lightz were still on.
Soon, the lightz dimmed (as usual) & the commericalz started! (Boy, I sound excited, don't I)
ah pUaz couldn't really remember wAd the first commerical was, but ah pUaz could clearly remember the second .. It was a FHM commercial!! HaHa! hEy, hEy, but before u jump to any conclusion .. it wasn't any normal FHM commercial! Apart frm the layoutz of the magz with all those gAlz with their big boobiez ..
The moment ah pUaz saw the commercial,
he went "wAd the ..."
You gUyz noe wAd was the tagline/headline of the FHM commercial?
It went: "Better than Tammy's home video!!"
mAn, don't they haf any other betta lines to use?!
Plz, move on with life & give the gAl a chance to move on with her life too ..
Juz when ah pUaz thot tt the incident was bout to calm down, ah pUaz saw it right in his face in the big screen. *piak*
Imagine if she was happily going to watch a movie & saw tt commercial ..
mAn ..
On the other hand, this iSh a shout out to ah pUaz' batch of I.M. frenz who readz his blog:
hEy designerz!!
ah pUaz was wonderin' if it was possible to haf a chalet/B.B.Q before we, different individualz, go to serve our country or step into the workin' society?!
wAd say u gUyz yo?!
Miss ya gUyz.
ah pUaz posted at 1:55:00 PM |