Animoweb competition iSh an italian-based interactive animation competition.
The theme for this year's (4th edition) competition iSh
"Conflicts: the cult of war and the culture of peace".
There are a total of 3 categories for people to take part; Animated Introductionz, Gamez & Short Animated Filmz. Several of ah pUaz' coursemates & him took part in this competition & nOw, the site is ready for the audience's voting! (with 5 being the maximum score).
Section A: Animated Introductions
Section Theme: "Conflicts, war and peace: solidarity and justice to guarantee human rights and peace"
Jia YiMichelleYvonneVote for them here.======
Section B: Games & Interactivity
Section Theme "Peace videogames"
WeiliHui Yee, Joanne & ValerieVote for them here.======
Section C: Short Animated Films
Section Theme: "Conflicts: Cult of War and Culture of Peace"
Catherine, Hilwan & miif loading at the site is slow, you can also view our short film
You can vote for our work hereYou can vote for our work hereP.S. If u're using a low broadband connection, the loadin' might take quite a while yo.
The total file size iSh bout 9.6MB.
(The allocated maximum file size for Section C is 10MB).
So be patient yEAh?! hEhz!
yEAp! Go check the above workz out yo?! & do place votez for the entriez tt you like best! If you like our work .. then vote. If not, dun. yEAp. tt simple. thkz peepz!!
X'maz iSh here!!
yO yO yO!! Merry X'maz!!
Have a rockin' one peepz!!
to huiLinG: wHaHa! yEAh, I see you too.
to A-ma: yEAh. I send it to uR mail le ..
to suiyan: HaHa! I got nothin' to say ..
to cHrissy: hEhz! thkz!
to rynetta(de xin): HaHa! My height's still the same; 1.85M. yEAp.
to benn: wHaHa! yEAh mAn, u're right! He's the best mAn. lOlz!
to tutu: TuTu!! Merry X'maz!!
to suiyan: wHaHa! Merry X'maz to you too!! thkz.
ah pUaz posted at 4:06:00 PM |