After this post,
I'll be away for 3 dayz ..
Somewhere where I dun even noe where ..
Dun contact mi.
My HP will be off,
I won't be online,
And so haf I told my Mum to say tt I'm not ard ..
I noe, I still haf responsbilities on hand ..
but I'm juz lettin' it go juz for these 3 dayz ..
I'm sorry if I caused any inconvience.
I've neber done this before ..
I've been thinkin' bout it ..
& I noe I need to be away from all.
I need some time to think bout wad I really wan,
My mission & purpopse in life,
wAd I wanna do/achieve with my last sem in poly life,
about LIFE.
I need time to be away ..
Away from ppl who are sick of mi ..
so tt they too, can live ..
Maybe then, I'll noe who are the ppl I truely need or miss.
Questionz & thoughtz haf been on my mind ..
It's time to look for my answerz ..
I dun tink it'll really make a difference if I'm gone ..
Some might not even really care ..
They might juz tink tt I'm bz with moi life ..
Well, I'm used to tt ..
I made myself deserve tt.
A break to mi, it may seem ..
A corward escaping, to otherz maybe ..
It all liez down to how one seez.
Goodbye ppl.
Dun worry, I'll be fine ..
I'll be back in 3 dayz' time ..
I will still be mi.
ah pUaz posted at 12:43:00 AM |