weEe!! Finally found some time to update!
ah pUaz' life has been quiet happenin' recently.
yEAh. Suntec Dance '05 finalz is over and Steezerz won 2nd in placin'!! It was a really great xperience mAn! ah pUaz & his crew memberz were already very happy tt we could make it into the finalz .. & nOw, winning a placin' in the finalz iSh really an additional bonus to us. Even if we didn't get any placin', ah pUaz' sure tt his crew matez & him had a great xperience/time joining this compy. It feelz really good when ppl (strangerz) come up to you & say tt they think tt u've put up a good show. That, more than winning a placin', meanz alot more to us. ah pUaz' glad tt the judgez & the audience like wAd they saw.
ah pUaz would like to show his appreciation to:
Trigger: Trig!! thkz for coming down early to help us with all our stuffz!! Even to the xtend of stayin' backstage all the while throughout the competition!! thkz for all the support!!
Xiao Xian: hEy gEr!! thkz for coming down early to help us out with our hair & make upz!! lOlz!!
fbOdz: hEy mAn!! fbOdz has the loudest & craziest peepz aRd!! thkz for all the support, noise, screamz & cheerz tt you gUyz provided all these while! fbOdz rockz!!
my sec sch frenz: Guan Yong, Terence, Kim Hock, Chee Han. hEy gUyz!! thkz for comin' down to support mi yo!! It's really great to see you gUyz!!
Cat: Cat!! thkz for all the support & nice wordz you gave mi all these while!! It really very nice of you to even buy mi a gift as encourgement, when all you could do was to juz come down & support mi. It's really sweet of you & I like the gift alot!! thkz!!
all otherz: I might haf left you out/I didn't get a chance to see you tt day/& all the otherz who don't know us, Steezerz, but still gave us uR support. I would really like to thkz all of you!! thkz u!!
The crowd was good and the atmosphere was high. Being backstage with the other contestantz was great too!
Steezerz: hEy Steezerz!! It has been a totally awesome xperience for Suntec Dance '05. From the prelimz to the finalz & the practz/trainingz tt we had gone thru, it's not alwayz smooth yEAh, but each & every individual one of you did a great job at the end! Let's not be complacent. Instead, be even more humble & train even harder. This iSh juz the begin.

Damn! I tink it's cool. lOlz!

Da' Street Soulz & Steezerz

ah pUaz with the silver medal

The silver medal & certificate
HaHa! mAn, ah pUaz' been hearin' a no. of frenz sayin' tt they saw his interview on Starhub Ch 56 a couple of timez already .. & some even imitated his line & re-enact wadeva he sayz wheneva they see him. lOlz! The thing iSh, ah pUaz haven't even seen tt interview himself. Well, he's still waitin' .. hope it's not weird.
To those who don't know, the interview iSh bout Starhub's Ch 56, E-City, image stop (motion graphic) competition, which ah pUaz mentioned here sometime back.

ah pUaz and his partner, Jia yi, receiving the prize.

Interview .

Interview ..

Interview ...

ah pUaz & the mAn behind the cam who help mi took my picz
to pingz: lOlz! Will link you soon.
to suiyan: thkz!! We made it!
to NiC: HaHa! thkz bRo!!
to hUizZz: hEy! thkz for comin' down to support us!!
to hongkai: hEy bRo!! thkz! yEAh yEAh. Miss ya mAn!
to chEr: hEy, thkz! u are?!
to orange: hEy yOz! NO mAn! Dun say tt!! you gUyz haf been great all these while too! We look up to you gUyz too! Btw, haf you got a blog?!
to clf: eRmz .. u are?! Lifen izzit?!
ah pUaz posted at 1:55:00 AM |