hEy hEy!!
ah pUaz' back!! This time with a totally new blog design and layout!!
wOhz ... it's been a really L-O-N-G time since ah pUaz last blog. lOlz!! I guess some off you gUyz haf juz gaf up visitin' ah pUaz' blog, wonderin' if ah pUaz still remebers tt he actually has a blog! lOlz! Well, nOw tt ah pUaz' back, it's with a totally new blog design!! yEAh!! lOlz!
ah pUaz has alwayz wanted to do his own blog design. However, procastination juz dragz on till today. lOlz! Finally, ah pUaz got the urge to get his own blog design done. ah pUaz took a few hourz to get everything done. If u're wonderin' if ah pUaz took the pic juz for his blog, the answer iSh 'NO'. ah pUaz was browsing through his photo album and thot tt this pic would be nice for his blog ... and there, a design iSh out! lOlz!
Well, won't say tt it a very nice design, but at least ah pUaz is satisfied that he has his own blog design. lOlz! Before ah pUaz did his course, ah pUaz was a total HTML-idiot. nOw, at least ah pUaz can do his own blog design. I tink you gUyz get his new design concept. Hope you gUyz like it.
Alot haf been happenin' to ah pUaz' life. It would be ridiculous to state everything down (ah pUaz doubt if anybody even bother to read. lOlz!). Along the way, ah pUaz has grown and mature alot. The obstacles and the downs made ah pUaz stronger. The opportunities and the ups made ah pUaz betta. Tough times it may be, but ah pUaz' glad tt he made it this far, so far.
ah pUaz has been thinkin through and sortin' out his thoughts these few days:
ah pUaz used to care alot bout wad others tink of him and tries to please everybody that he can. Ended up? He's the one who gets hurt. hEy, come to tink of it, who pleases him in return?
True, ah pUaz may haf alot of frenz, howeva, ah pUaz dun really know who to turn to when he has personal problems. True frenz, he may haf, but most of them are caught up with their own personal problemz too, or they haf their loved onez to tend to. ah pUaz dun wan them to worry for him anyway. ah pUaz understandz tt. Dun tink so much and get it over wif, juz like he alwayz does.
How often are we judged by people? They assume and xpect you to do this/tt and take it for granted when you do it. ah pUaz dun need apprication or xpect anything in return, coz he does things willingly, but all his need is juz simple respect. tt's all he ask for.
Thinkin' back, ah pUaz also realised how SELFISH and IRRESPONSIBLE he can be at times. ah pUaz apologise for those time.
okok. hEy hEy!! Wad's with the emo stuffz mAn?! lOlz! Well, ah pUaz juz wanna xpress himself and leave these thotz behind him. yEAp! ah pUaz came across this inspirational sentence sometime back and it caused ah pUaz to stop for a moment to tink bout the sentence. Here's the sentence to end ah pUaz' entry: "Dream like you live forever, Live like you die tomorrow"
ah pUaz posted at 5:44:00 PM |