NYP SDN freshmen Orientation'04
yEAh, the NYP SDN freshmen Orientation'04 iSh over. It was great fun mAn! The 3 weekz plannin` wasn't an ez task at all. All OGLz had experienced & went through a lot. That was how we bonded. Wasn't an ez way to where we were. Upon seeing the success of the Orientation, where the freshmen had loadz of crazy fun & as the classez bonded wif their classmatez during the 3 daez, all the hard work & late nitez was all worthwhile mAn! Wordz simply can't describe wad ah pUaz wanna sae. Even so, there's too much to describe. ah pUaz` typin` this to keep this as part of his memory. OGLz, you gUyz rock!
I'm ending this entry wif our OGL cheer.
Nanyang Polytechnic School of Design Freshmen Orientation 2004
Orientation Group Leader Cheer:
Day by day, we plan for this today,
Week by week, we look forward to this,
Fear & stress, it won't be a success,
But since it's us, we're goanna rock todae!
Day by day, we plan for this today,
Week by week, we look forward to this,
Fear & stress, it won't be a success,
But since it's us, we're goanna rock todae!
Ohhh ... Ohhh ...
OGLs, aha aha,
We like it, aha aha,
Bring it on, aha aha,
We love it, aha aha,
Who's the best? (We'r we'r)
Who are we? (We're OGLs)
Where we're from? (From SDN)
So we say, rock all the way!
Wooo ...
Say N-Y-S-D-N,
Say N-Y-S-D-N, **
Say N-Y-S-D-N,
Say N-Y-S-D-N, **
C'mon OGLs let's play a part,
Let's show this passion out of us!
Step back! (Step back!)
Don't touch! (Don't touch!)
Coz OGLs are just too tough! (Coz OGLs are just too tough!)
Say N-Y-S-D-N,
Say N-Y-S-D-N, eh bah!
Say N-Y-S-D-N,
Say N-Y-S-D-N, eh bah!
Eh ... ... SDN!
ah pUaz posted at 11:36:00 PM |