Saturday, June 26, 2004
I'm back!!!
wOhz! It's been a long time since ah pUaz blog mAn!
Well well, it's been a really bz holidae for ah pUaz! So much to do, so little time. Haven't been eatin` well recently too ... ah pUaz need some readjustmentz in his life mAn! There's alot of challengez & it's been rather tough. Haf been learnin` & experiencing alot! There's moi sch's orientation planning, moi CCA upcomin` performancez, and moi sch's Club Crawl (CCA orientation). Loadz of plannin` & workin` wif alot off diff. peepz. A challenge to ah pUaz' E.Q. mAn! lOlz!
Some thoughts for you peepz to ponder:
How many timez do we actually understand wad someone iSh going through? Ppl usually see thingz on the surface & come up wif their own conclusion & set their own expectationz of you & expect you to met their expecationz of you. But how many ppl can we please? And who pleases us in return? Complicated life ... life goes on mAn, life goes on ...
ok, enuff of all the grumblingz.
Here's some of the updatez of ah pUaz:
- Got 2 'A's & 5 'B's for his semester result.
- Got into his specialisation 1st choice! Interactive Media rockz!
- Recently got post as Vice-President for his sch's CCA.
Can't tink of anything else already ...
ah pUaz posted at 11:07:00 PM |

ah pUaz miss ...
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
ah pUaz miss sittin` in front of the T.V. for hourz to watch showz.
ah pUaz miss talkin` on the phone for hourz.
ah pUaz miss catchin` up wif his sec. sch frenz.
ah pUaz miss catchin` up wif his pri. sec frenz.
ah pUaz miss those daez where he's got no responsibilitiez.
ah pUaz miss those daez where he can do wadeva he wanz.
ah pUaz miss those daez where he dun haf to gib a single damn bout anything.
ah pUaz miss those daez ...
ah pUaz posted at 11:13:00 PM |

Tuesday, June 15, 2004
hmMm ...
1 word, BUSY!!!
ah pUaz posted at 1:30:00 AM |

hmMm ...
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
hmMm ...
Camp ended. Fun.
Got hair cut. Screwed up.
Planningz. Never endin`.
Simple. Smile
ah pUaz posted at 12:18:00 AM |

::Vesek Dae::
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Happy Vesek Dae!!! lOlz!
Tmr's the start of ah pUaz` OGL camp!
Well well, ah pUaz` wonderin` wad are the activitiez durin` the camp. It's been 2 yrz since ah pUaz went for any sort of camp! Hope it'll be FUN FUN FUN!!! yEAh! ah pUaz` camp endz on Sat noon. ah pUaz noez tt you gUyz are goanna miss him (orhh ...) lOlz! Dun worry, ah pUaz` goanna be back soon! (soundz so "Drama MaMa") lOlz!
To all of ah pUaz` frenz who are in J.Cz or sec. sch: yEAh! Great! uR long awited holidaez are here mAn! so njOy uRslevez & do wad u've alwayz wanted to do/catch up! Dun slack thur the holidae too! For those takin` their A's or O's this yr, revise more yEAh?! Hang on there! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 10:32:00 AM |