ah pUaz' back to update again!
Firstly, the reason why ah pUaz haven't been updatin` his blog iSh coz there's something very wrong wif ah pUaz` keyboard wheneva he getz connected online. Kinda irritatin`. ah pUaz` ctrl key will automatically be held down at timez when he goes online. When this happenez, ah pUaz typin` will either be typin` in CAPS or the symbolz in the second case. Get wad ah pUaz iSh tryin` to sae? Wad ah pUaz meanz iSh tt the ctrl key juz workz on it's own even though ah pUaz iSh not pressin` it. The worse thing iSh, it happenz as & when it likez, so it's like uR typin` will juz go wrong suddenly. It happenez onli when ah pUaz getz connected online. Other than tt, typing offline iSn't a prob. tt's wad ah pUaz is doing nOw. lOlz! ah pUaz type in a notepad first, then all he'll haf to do iSh to juz cut & paste this entry once he log online & juz post it. So tt ah pUaz dun haf to go thur the irritatin` typin`. Cleber or wAd?! lOlz!
Well, time really flies! It's like, almost 2 weekz of ah pUaz` holidaez has passed already. wOhz!
Juz to let you gUyz noe some of the upcomin` activitez ah pUaz` goanna haf/plan to do:
NYP's Dinner & Dance`04 (ah pUaz will be dancin`)
OGL 3D2N training camp (yEAh, ah pUaz` goanna br an OGL!!!)
NDP`04 in Aug (yes, ah pUaz` joinin` this yrz` NDP again! Watch out for the human towerz!)
NYP's Musical performance in Aug (They claim tt it's a big production & ah pUaz managed to get thur the audition!)
& few more dance performancez ...
oh yEAh, ah pUaz juz went for his sch's yr 3 diploma show. It's an exhibition where by all yr 3s haf their individual boothz each & they have to put up their workz & portfolioz for show. External companiez are invited to this show & they can get studentz which they like to work in their company, but tt's not the point. lOlz! The point iSh, the yr 3s are all so pRo!!! ah pUaz felt like NOTHING after seein` all their workz! mAn! ah pUaz's so so so so impressed yet feelin` worried for himself! ah pUaz wanna work on his deignz & portfolio this holidae too. Alot more to improve, alot more to learn ...
ah pUaz` gettin` his resultz & specialisation resultz soon ...
ah pUaz chose Interactive Media as his specialisation 1st choice coz it's where ah pUaz wanna go & wad he has alwayz wanted/aim to do. It's all about doing web design, flash design, graphic design & CD-rom content design. Very digital. lOlz! ah pUaz can't draw well but like to use the aid of the comp to do designin`. tt's one of the reasonz as to why ah pUaz choose this specialisation. ah pUaz' 2nd choice iSh Digital Flim & Video, where you get to learn how to do special effectz on videoz, e.g. Matrix, but not to the extend of being so pRo, lOlz!. 3rd iSh Animation, where by we get to learn how to do 2D & 3D animation/cartoon. Reason for puttin` it as the 3rd choice? Read moi pass few entriez & you'll understand why. lOlz! Last choice would be gamez design. hmMm ... soundz coolz but ah pUaz dun see much job opportunitiez here in S'pore as yetz ... ah pUaz should be able to get into his first choice bAhz, coz his resultz has more or less been constant. aik aik! lOlz!
Well, wish mi luck for moi resultz!
ah pUaz posted at 1:15:00 PM |