Disappointed & Pissed
Friday, April 30, 2004
*disappointed*, *pissed* & *tired*
ah pUaz' head iSh blocked ritez nOw ... mental blog, or designerz' block ... wadeva ...
ah pUaz went to sch at 8.00a.m. (the earliest time the animation studio openz) to do his final touch up to all his animation drawingz. He managed to finish all his touch upz after an hour. So at 9.00a.m., ah pUaz started to capture his animation work (ah pUaz was so happy then) ... all was fine at first ... but not till when ah pUaz finished his capture & realise tt part of the drawingz/animation had a prob in it ... which meanz ... ah pUaz will haf to capture it AGAIN. Ok, ah pUaz was fine wif it ... keepin it cool ... Ken wanted to use the comp (he waited for it for a long time), so ah pUaz went to another computer machine to capture his animation workz. ah pUaz made all the necessary adjustmentz to the capturin` machine & started shootin` the first part of his work AGAIN. After capturin` a few framez, ah pUaz went to double check & realise tt the image flickerz when it iSh played ... ok ... so ah pUaz had to change & look for ANOTHER computer machine which can operate properly. Ken managed to finish his capturin` early, so ah pUaz took over his place, made all the necessary adjustmentz to the capturin` machine & started shootin` his work AGAIN. ah pUaz was capturing half way where the tutor-in-charge insisted tt those in the morning shift haf to leave to allow the otherz in the noon shift to use (coz some ppl went to complain ... damn!) ...
So, ask ah pUaz wad he has achieved todae?
Well, ah pUaz spent 7 hrz in tt cold animation studio tryin` his every damn effort to shoot his damn animation work properly but it seemz like it wan't his damn dae ... & he got nothin` done ... DAMN! 7 hrz wasted without finishin` wad he aimed to finish. Not to mention cold & hungry! The animation studio iSh not open tmr (coz it's Labour Dae), neither is it open on Sun. So ah pUaz haf no choice but to do it on Mon. The dateline iSh Tue. ah pUaz haven't done his CD cover packagin` & his scene package yetz. Damn again. Hope tt nothin` goez wrong wif the capturin` on Mon ...
*fingerz crossed*
tok about all these no more ...
ah pUaz' in no mood to get anything done nOw ...
*disappointed*, *pissed* & *tired*
ah pUaz posted at 7:59:00 PM |

::To all ah pUaz' fren ... ::
Saturday, April 24, 2004
::To all ah pUaz' fren ... ::
ah pUaz juz finished tokin` on the phone wif Bell. Always threatenin` ah pUaz when ah pUaz wanna put down the phone siaz ... dun allow ah pUaz to put down the phone ... then sae ah pUaz always wanna put down the phone first ... Well, ok, ah pUaz iSh speechless ...
bEll juz told ah pUaz tt bEll & Co. alwayz tink tt ah pUaz iSh alwayz bz wif his own stuff or personal life tt he've got no other spare time ...
Moi dear bEll, spooky, ying-, Mingli & whoeva iSh close to ah pUaz, ah pUaz wanz you gUyz to noe tt YES, it may be true tt ah pUaz maybe really bz at timez (like who doesn't? yEAh?) but ah pUaz WILL STILL pick up uR callz, reply uR msgez, listen to uR troublez when you need someone to confide in, join in gatheringz & meet upz wheneva he can. ah pUaz` repliez may be late at timez ... but he's sure tt he'll definitely reply to uR contactz. tt ah pUaz can guarantee.
There may be momentz in our lifez where we really are caught up wif our own stuffz & forget to reply to contactz until later in the dae or the next dae. tt happenz to ah pUaz at timez & ah pUaz` sure tt he's not the onli one.
ah pUaz do wanna keep in contact wif his close frenz! ah pUaz does cherish all his frenz. Sometimez, when ah pUaz` free, ah pUaz does getz to his contactz. But at these timez, they might haf their own stuffz to tend to too. It a vice versa thingy yEAh?! Get wad I mean? When u haf assignmentz to rush, in the midz of a practice or caught up wif some urgent matterz, those are timez when you do wanna reply a contact but can't. yEAh?!
Well, ah pUaz` writtin this to express wad he tinkz & feel.
ah pUaz juz wan all his frenz to noe tt ah pUaz will alwayz be there for you (either physically or mentally) no matter how bz he iSh. ah pUaz may not be the greatest fren you can haf, but ah pUaz will do his best & learn & try along the way to be one. tt's one promise tt ah pUaz will keep ...
ah pUaz posted at 10:48:00 PM |

Studio Project ... it startz tmr!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
wOhz ... it's goin` to be the start of ah pUaz' Studio Project tmr! ah pUaz` keepin` his fingerz crossed tt he can finish his project on time. ah pUaz went to guage his timing for his animation already ... it should be running for bout 20 secondz (if you tink tt 20 secz iSh short for an animation, try doin` it) ... if there needz to be 12 drawingz for every sec, (yes, it's 12 per SECOND!), tt meanz tt ah pUaz will haf to do 12X20=240 drawingz ...
& you tink tt's all for a Studio Project? Nopez, u're wrong. ah pUaz still hafta do an overall CD packin` for his featured animation, a scene package & oso to get his portfolio ready for a presentaion cum interview at the end of the project. All these hafta to be within 15 daez! You noe wad's the best part? All classes are given specific & limited time to use the animation studio to do their animation drawingz. We're onli given 5 hrz per dae to do the drawingz! 15X5=75. tt meanz tt ah pUaz will hafta finish 240 drawingz b4 75 hrz! oh mAn ... & it's like 5 classes will be in the animation studio at once?! Which meanz you'll hafta get a place quick & make sure tt the bulb of the lightbox iSh workin`.
Human nature.
You may be askin` why don't you do the drawingz at home? yEAh, how ah pUaz wish he could do tt! But for uR info, to do drawingz for an animation, you'll need a lightbox, so tt you'll noe where & wad to draw for the next frame ... but neither ah pUaz nOr his frenz haf a lightbox at home ... it cost $200 to get one. Where on earth does ah pUaz get the $$$ frm?!
Admist tt, ah pUaz hopez tt nothin` goes wrong during the capturing of the animation framez. Do you noe tt we hafta caputure the animation drawingz frame by frame?! We hafta put one piece in front of the video cam to capture it, take out the piece & shot another ... which mean ah pUaz will be going thur tt brainless move for 240 timez?! and tt providez if nothin` goes wrong ... & wad if something does goes wrong?! HurHurHur!!! Too bad, u'll haf to njOy the agony of goin` thur the brainless process again frm scratch! Ain't tt fun?! lOlz! No wonder designerz get crazy easily ...
gUyz, the next time you see any short of animation anywhere, even if you dun like it, at least appreciate it. Loadz of time, effort, hard work, heart & soul are given in to produce an animation. Tt's why ah pUaz really admire those animatorz who does huge animation workz!
And you gUyz thought tt desigin`was ez & cool eHz?! lOlz!
Passion & Interest iSh wad keepz designerz going ... (",)
ah pUaz posted at 11:42:00 AM |

Saturday, April 17, 2004
ah pUaz FINALLY got his Studio Project concept approved todae! oh mAn, it wasn't ez. Todae was the dateline for the approval of the Studio Project concept. ah pUaz wanted to finish his concept drawin` yesterdae, but he doze off half-way doin` it. He woke up early this mornin` to continue ... but in between, he slept again ... lOlz! Poor pUaz haven't been sleepin` well these few daez due to assignmentz & CONCEPTZ!!!
ah pUaz put his heart into doin` the concept drawingz & refinin` it. After tt, ah pUaz went to sch to show his concept drawin`& ... it WASN'T APPROVED. The teacher wanted ah pUaz to change the background drawin` of the concept ... so ah pUaz had to redo it. By then, ah pUaz was onli left wif like 3 hrz to redo his background drawin`, coz he had to hand in by 5.00p.m. to get approval. Luckily the teacher onli wanted ah pUaz to change the background drawin` & not the whole concept, or ah pUaz would haf been foamin` & frothin`away ... lOlz!
oh yEAh! ah pUaz met Liu Yilin on the way to the canteen frm the teacher's office. ah pUaz didn't notice him when ah pUaz stepped out of the lift (maybe coz he wasn't at eye lvl ... whoopz!) lOlz! ah pUaz heard someone called his name & ah pUaz turned back, paused & processed for a while before respondin`. ah pUaz was a little suprised to see him in NYP. Yilin was there to accompany his fren coz his fren needed to go for an admission interview (SAE). ah pUaz gave them directionz & proceeded to the canteen wif his frenz to haf lunch ...
ah pUaz went to the animation studio to redo his background drawin` & managed to finish at ard 4.45p.m. ah pUaz quickly went to duplicate his concept panelz & went to show his concept. ah pUaz was on time ... but guess wad?! ... the teacher wasn't ard coz he went for a meetin`. & so unluckily pUaz had to wait outside the teacher's office until he come back. The best part iSh tt ah pUaz had no idea wad time the meetin` would end. If he knew, at least he could haf went off to do some other meaningful stuffz & come back to look for the teacher later. But ah pUaz didn't, so, he waited ...
Guess how long was the wait?!
one & a half hrz!!!
the wait was L-L-L-O-O-O-N-N-N-G-G-G-!-!-!
but at least ah pUaz finally got his concept approved ...
Feelin` more relieve nOw ...
the "BEST" iSh yet to come ...
oh mAn!!!
ah pUaz posted at 1:00:00 AM |

ah pUaz` back!
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
ah pUaz` back!!! Did you gUyz miss him?!! lOlz!
ah pUaz` goanna haf a R-E-A-L-L-Y bz week ahead of him.
Studio Project is comin` up & conceptz needz to be approve.
ah pUaz' concept juz got rejected todae.
First time in ah pUaz' study in sch tt his concept got rejected.
But ah pUaz does agree tt his design was nothin` unique la.
Gotta got tink of more conceptz le (poor brain cellz)
Sometimez, it's juz the sudden inspiration or adreline rush tt gibz you tt "perfect" concept.
oh mAn, where are "you" when I needed "you" most?
ah pUaz posted at 10:37:00 PM |

... Lost ...
Saturday, April 10, 2004
... Lost ...
... I'm lost ...
ah pUaz' unsure of himself ...
Izzit? Or izzit not?
Hope it's not.
No definate anz.
Unsure. tt's how I feel.
No help.
Maybe ...
Why does it haf to be mi?
I noe this iSh wrong.
I will DEFINATELY do something.
Mark my wordz.
Alone to fight this tough battle,
Strong, I haf to be.
This iSh the struggle maybe ...
I will control my destiny!
I will ...
ah pUaz posted at 1:52:00 AM |

Wednesday, April 07, 2004
mAn! ah pUaz tink tt his blog iSh SO COOL!
ah pUaz` got nothin` else to sae ...
ah pUaz posted at 8:03:00 AM |

Tuesday, April 06, 2004
The time nOw iSh 1.50a.m. Good morningz peepz! lOlz! ah pUaz juz managed to finish his design assignmentz. G-R-E-A-T, wad a great way to start the week mAn! Well, tt's not all, ah pUaz' final year studio project iSh comin` soon ... which meanz tt there will be more datelinez & more sleepless nitez to go ... oh great ... Luckily ah pUaz` doin` wad he likez, so he dun mind the sleepless nitez ... if ah pUaz was studyin`, he tink tt he'll juz melt in his bookz ... lOlz!
Hungry ...
Empty mind ...
Typin` for fun ...
Good Nitez ...
I mean ...
Good Morningz!
ah pUaz posted at 1:55:00 AM |

I believe ...
Saturday, April 03, 2004
ah pUaz finally found the lyrics for the song "I believe" from the movie "Honey"! It's the song tt's playin` nOw (you can hear it if nothin` goes wrong ... dUhz ...)
The movie iSh bout hip-hop/streetdance & the movez are awesome, esp the finale dance! The movie iSh juz great! Inspirin` & motivational (at least to ah pUaz, lOlz!) A movie to catch for all dance fanaticz!
Listen to the song & follow the lyricz, it's meaningful! (",)
They said you wouldn't make it so far a a
And ever since they've said it its been hard
But never mind that night'cha had to cry
Cause you had never let it go inside
You worked real hard and you know exactly what you want and need so believe
And you can never give up
You can reach your goals
Just talk to your soul and say
I believe i can
I believe i will
I believe i know my dreams are real
I believe i can
I believe i will
I believe i hold it soon man
That is what i do believe
Your fools are justes singing, your soul aha
And you know that your moves will let them show
You keep creating pictures in your moind
So just believe they will come true in time
It will be fine leave all of your kiss and stress behind and
Just let it go
Let the music go inside again the pain
It just start to believe
[Rap passage]
At third my yet what people say
Hold your head high and turn away
With all my hopes and dreams I will believe
Even though it seems it's not for me
I won't give up, i'll keep it up
Looking to the sky
I will achieve on my knees
I will always believe
[2x chorus]
ah pUaz posted at 7:18:00 AM |

Welcome!!! (",)
WooHoo!!! A whole new blog for ah pUaz!!! yEAh mAn!!! WooHoo!!! (",)
ah pUaz posted at 12:30:00 AM |

Friday, April 02, 2004
tryin` out ...
ah pUaz posted at 8:35:00 PM |
